
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

05/02/2007 - Custom php.ini configuration is available!
Due to the high demand from most of our customers, we are adding a new feature, which allows you to customize the php.ini file for all your PHP-based scripts and applications. Now you can control some of the settings of the PHP interpreter by modifying a PHP configuration file called php.ini. This file enables you to choose whether global variables are turned on, the directory to upload files to when you write scripts, and the maximum allowed size for uploaded files. Depending on the PHP runtime version you have selected for your scripts in the PHP Settings section of the Control Panel, you can edit the php.ini file for both PHP 4 and PHP 5. To do so, simply browse through the contents of your /sys folder, located in the root of your account. There you will find two folders - php4 and php5, inside each of which there will be a separate php.ini file. If you are using PHP 4 for your scripts, just edit the php.ini located in the /sys/php4/ folder with a text editor. All .php files in your account will adhere to the settings you've just applied, once you save them. This means that the modification you make will affect all .php files recursively in all your account's folders. For more information and typical php.ini settings, please visit the core php.ini directives web page.


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