
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

07/20/2006 - New features in the hosting Control Panel!
Hello, We are happy to announce that we have just added some tweaks and new features into our great hosting Control Panel. The quick and easy help tooltips now show over all icons on the Home page when you point your mouse over them. A RSS news generator has been added to the Elefante tools section. You are now able to modify the MX records of your subdomain names.If you are not sure what a certain section of the Control Panel does, simpy point your mouse over its icon and learn more from the easy-to-understand tooltip. It's really quick to receive help this way, isn't it?The Elefante Tools sections now offers an additional feature - the RSS News. It allows you to add free news content onto your website. Specify the news category and paste the code, that's all you need to do in order to present up-to-date information on your website. And even more, you are now able to edit the MX records for your subdomain names that you have created in your hosting account. This is done in the Custom DNS Records section.


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